
I long for no break ups, no goodbyes. I long for forever.

– Mikee Cane


Another week has passed.. well getting there and feeling so blah. I don’t know how to describe it really. I’ve been binging and munching too many chocolates and sweets this week. I need to get hyped! I need moxie.

And that personal quote there, some memories I have recollected and I came up with that.. I wanted to make a poem but I’ve no idea where to start so I am just collecting these thoughts one a time.

I was not even back on my weekly routine just yet not because I am being a slacker but because I haven’t had time and too tired the whole time. It’s as if I am just living for nothing at the moment.. like I am just here getting by. Oh what a week!

A lot has happened this week, too and looking forward for more which is good. haha

Speaking of feeling tired, there’s also something I have been feeling that I don’t even know how to describe nor explain and I just let myself get drown with it. I am not lonely for sure and it’s not about the soft and breezy songs that made me.

There’s something I’ve been praying fervently and I couldn’t tell anyone about it so yeah, that’s probably one.

I celebrated a lot of anniversaries this month, too. Hahaha.

First year on WordPress, first year knowing my brother from another momma, a year of having “work”, it’s been a year since I haven’t traveled, a year being single, a year full of ups and downs and a whole lot of roller coaster of emotions and experiences. Wow.

Looking forward to brighter days still and things will eventually fall to where they should be.

On the contrary, earlier this week a cousin of mine received a message from someone who wants us down. Such a pity really. Maybe it stirred up from my post about someone checking if I am a scam. Ha!

Funny that!

Funny how one really point their fingers to us doing something which we never did and pretending and feeling like they’re perfect and too clean!

Why is it that no matter how much I try to mind my own life there will always be haters, bashers and naysayers who keeps pulling me down!?

Human nature eh? I wish these mobs will go get  a life and mind their own. Oh well.

A message for you whoever you are: Go ahead. Do what makes you happy. You will never bring me down coz my feet are still on the ground. Hahaha.

I will never ever stoop down to where you are, I ain’t got no time for that. I will always be the itch you can’t scratch. Deal with that!

Oh and please be reminded to look and examine yourself in the mirror first before pointing your fingers to someone else’s imperfections. I ain’t perfect, so are you.

Anywho, thank you for with you around there somewhere, you keep me grounded. 🙂