Bundles of Joy


These are the wee ones. 🙂

From left to right; Thor, Scarlet and Jade. Teehee 🙂

These are somehow my bundles of joy these times.

Thankyou God for the lil things.

And now I am back to work!

Lovely arvo WordPress!

Me Without You.


Hahahaha! I can’t find an appropriate title for this picture.. And Loick Essen’s song’s playing..

So, there you go! Hahahaha

Jade, our kitty looks like a bit lost, too. Trying to be herself but discombobulated. Hahahaha!

Lovely arvo everyone from this side of the world!

Jade the kitty and moi. Hehehehe

Photography According to Mikee.

Photography According to Mikee.

Capture taken alongside River Torrens, Adelaide, South Australia. 🙂

Just amazed with the birds teasing around and playing while having a walk that arvo. One of God’s lovely creations 🙂

Dingo Was His Name, Oh! :)

An Australian native dog called dingo 🙂

Found him at Cairns Tropical Zoo, Cairns, Queensland, Australia last May 4, 2013

Feel in love with this one but he’s so lonely. Almost all of the animals that they kept in their zoo were wee bit lonely.


