Still Into You – Paramore


Stumbled upon this earlier today, fell in love with the lyrics and the melody. I am not so so fan of Paramore but I listen and appreciate some of their songs. 🙂

A song I’d like to see myself with the person I am meant to be with. Oh heavens. 🙂

It’s a lyric video so y’all can see the lyrics while you listen to the song 🙂

Have a lovely day peepulz!

Only Hope – Mandy Moore Cover


One of the soundtracks of the movie A Walk To Remember, here is a cover of Only Hope from moi 🙂

Lovely day everyone 🙂

A Moving Story of A Cancer Patient Marrying His One True Love


In the midst of my anguish, frustrations, fears and anxieties, last night I stumbled upon this and moved me. Everyone has their struggles, big or small and I am thankful for mine. I have always been asking for miracles on my end despite the miracles I already have. I have been over thinking and too consumed by it, too anxious for something that’s not there and this video got me back on track.

A story of Rowden and Liezel. Made me cry bucket loads of tears last night and reminded me of how blessed I am. I have always been aware of it. Gah. Tears. Tears everywhere. Every where. :/


Here’s the story of Rowden and Liezel from the description of the video itself.

Early this year, Rowden and Leizl decided to get married on July 8, 2014, Rowden’s 30th birthday. Together with their adorable 2-year-old daughter, they already had a perfect family.

Then a twist of fate, Rowden got diagnosed with stage IV liver cancer in late May. His last request was to marry his one true love. After 12hours of preparations, his dream was fulfilled. Unable to take him outside the hospital, we brought the church to him. It was like a heartbreaking fairytale.

Rowden Go Pangcoga, at the age of 29-years-old, passed away on June 11, 2014. Less than 10hours after he said his vows.

He is survived by his wife Leizel May, daughter Zakiah Rowzel, mother Lorelei, and brothers Hasset & Hisham.



That was just literally the time I am making this content.

I am feeling so exhausted today after getting myself caught up in cleaning and sorting my “new” room this afternoon.

Feeling fulfilled of the things I’ve done today, got rid of some stuff from long time ago.

In the meantime, while others are thinking so freaking hard what contents to put on their blogs and business websites, here I am trying to put these thoughts into words.

Apparently I have Marie Hines’ song attached herewith coz I just feel like it.

It’s a song I’d like to dedicate to someone I haven’t meet yet.

So instead of feeling down, I have escalated to feeling hopeful with the help of music. It sounds mad crazy how one’s mood changes.. oh, I know. Us women! hahaha

Oh well. Hoping for better days soon. 🙂

On the other hand, here’s the lyrics of the song:

My Love Will Never Fail You
Take a walk in the park
Holding hands in the dark
Steal a kiss beneath the stars

My heart beat fast as I looked at you
And I could tell yours was racing too
We fell at once, and never looked back

My love will never fail you
My arms will always save you
I will make you, I will make you mine

I swear to always fight for us, and
I swear no one can touch this love, oh
I will make you, I will make you mine
For always

We got caught in the rain
Just two kids at the end of May
Just trying to figure out what life could hold

See I don’t believe in chance
I think it’s the choice we make, oh
And I choose you for the rest of my days

My love will never fail you
My arms will always save you
I will make you, I will make you mine

I swear to always fight for us, and
I swear no one can touch this love, oh
I will make you, I will make you mine
For always

You are all I’d ever need
And you are more than I could hope you’d be
You are home to me


Past Vs. Present

Don’t find reasons to stay with someone who always finds a reason to leave. 🙂

This is where I was 9months ago. To some who’s going through the same, I share this to you 🙂

pray. love. live. laugh.

Good morning WordPress! I kinda reckon it is too early to say something but I need to spill this out.

Talk about Past and Present with Faith and Trust. This issue was raised today, or let’s not put it as an issue as it sounds biased. But yeah, we’ll put it as a discussion. 🙂

Given the fact, that it’s not that very long I gave things up, “Faith” and “Trust” is a big deal for me and the family.

I know it wasn’t just me who has to get through things but the whole family as well for they have to put up with me and my ways while going through it. 🙂

Nanay is one of it and just this morning have lil discussion while having coffee.

I don’t have to list what she said though but I will take it as a challenge. What I have been…

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Mikee’s Musings..

When you see my face, I hope it reminds you that life’s too precious; that you’re loved and someone appreciates your existence no matter what.
– MC

P.S. If you don’t wanna see my face, it’s okay. I won’t force you. You can just think of someone great looking and I hope they still remind you great things. Hahaha 🙂


*I am too amused tonight that I have a lot of thoughts going on inside my head. LOL

Maybe I am getting back to the goofy-slash-cheeky-side-of-me or in other words, my normality. 🙂

So for now, I will just let these thoughts go.. Eeeee!



Letting Go and Moving On According to Mikee

Just thought of sharing this once again for some people I know who’s going through things. 🙂

Lovely Sunday!

pray. love. live. laugh.

Letting go of someone you love doesn’t mean you stopped loving someone.

You just realized that it’s already enough and you have to change your course as the person you’ve loved all along doesn’t feel the same way like you do;

his heart is somewhere else;

it doesn’t feel right;

you’re hurting instead of healing;

you’re not growing as a person;

you’re not receiving from everything that you have been giving, although loving doesn’t really require to actually receive all the time, but hey, it’s give and take.. not just give and give.

Strength isn’t measured on holding on but it’s also about letting go.

Letting go, is not also about forgetting.. one cannot completely forget someone he/she loved truly and deeply. Just because one has decided to let it go that doesn’t mean he/she has forgotten every thing.

To some, they’d always think of this as selfishness, yeah right…

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