Musings: Once in a Lifetime

Life’s never easy, it never was but once in a lifetime, you meet someone who’s worth all these sacrifices, worth all these pains and those times that you need to hold on to life a little bit more and overcome the bumps, challenges and struggles along the way. Someone who will give light, someone who is your purpose, someone who will give life more meaning and more happiness. Someone who appreciates you and is proud of you, someone is willing to give time and attention without reservations; no ifs and buts, no maybes and we-shall-sees; someone who always stays and never leaves, someone who’s there with you all along. And most of all, someone you will love and will love you like you’ve never love and never been loved before. -MC

Quote of the Day: SC


Find someone who has to be a little crazier for you than you are for him, and most of all someone who’d stay and fight with you and won’t let you fight alone. – SC

So I came up with this today.. My heart is sore as always and I am holding a lot of thoughts in my head at the moment.

That is all for now as I gotta go run errand and take care of some stuff.

Have a great week ahead peepulz!